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I believe that all children thrive on routine and although my routines are flexible they are generally consistent.


This gives all the children in my care the reassurance of structure they need to become secure and to learn at their own pace.

Our Daily structure is outlined to the right of the page.


Throughout the year, the children experience many different seasonal themes and interests, we will look at different books, play with various toys, and if possible go to places to be able to explore the theme to its fullest.


All the children are invited to participate in the activities with each activity being tailored to the individual childs’ age and level of understanding.

We then build on each experience throughout the year to reinforce the childs’ fun and learning.


However no child is ever made to participate in an activity if they feel uncomfortable with it.



Free Play


story time

focused play

tidy time


Song time

Sleep time


Crafts and

free play

Tidy time

Story time

Home time

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