Introduction Meeting

On your first visit you will be given a tour of all the registered areas in my home.
These areas are my living room, downstairs toilet, garden and the sleeping room.
(please note that introduction meetings are held on an appointment only basis)
You will also have the opportunity to look at my portfolio this includes.
My qualifications and 1st Aid certificate (EHBO),
National Registration documents (LRK),
Good behaviour certificates (VOG) for both John and myself,
My Kamer van Koophandel registration,
Self and Home evaluations records,
References and testimonies,
A Full copy of my policies,
Daily Record sheet for babies under 1 year,
Daily Timetable, Yearly timetable, full weaning guide, child assessment sheets
To confirm your childs place, you will need to complete and return the enrollment form provided.
Once i have recieved your enrollment form you childs place is secured.
I have written the below policies and procedures for the safety and protection of your children, you as parents and myself.
Access to Play Equipment, Appropriate Clothing, What you need to provide, Sleep Policy, Toilet Training, Routine Outings, English Language Policy, Website & Photos, House Rules, Behaviour Policy Food Policy, Equal Opportunities, Accident and Emergency, Administration of Medication, Sickness Policy and procedure, Emergency Evacuation policy, No smoking Policy, Confidentiality Policy, Child protection, Collection of Children, Cancellation fee, Notice Period, Hours and Rates, Childcare Allowance, and Parental Acknowledgement
A copy of these will be provided on request.